Your Dog Or Cat Eat Your Weed?

By Thailand THC

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As cannabis becomes increasingly integrated into everyday life in Thailand, the rise in accidental consumption by pets has become a growing concern among veterinarians and pet owners alike. Recent reports indicate a significant uptick in the number of dogs and cats being brought to veterinary clinics after ingesting cannabis, prompting experts to emphasize the importance of safe storage and awareness.

CHAIYACHON CHIDCHOB, a veterinarian in Bangkok, reported, “While many pet owners are responsible, accidents happen, and itโ€™s crucial to be vigilant, especially as cannabis use becomes more widespread.”

The ingestion of cannabis can have serious effects on animals, particularly smaller pets like cats and dogs. Symptoms can range from mild lethargy and drooling to more severe issues such as vomiting, tremors, and even seizures. In some cases, the ingestion of cannabis, especially edibles, can lead to life-threatening conditions.

Early signs that your pet may have gotten into your stash include pretty much the same sorts of symptoms exhibited in humans; drowsiness, uncoordinated motor skills, confused and unaware of their surroundings. Animals that have consumed cannabis may also startle more easily.

Veterinarians also say that pet owners should be on the lookout for uncontrolled urination or unusual bathroom accidents. It is believed that cannabis relaxes the urethral sphincter and the flood gates sort of open wide.

While many cannabis users are aware that it’s nearly impossible to consume enough cannabis for it to be fatal, many of our furry friends don’t weigh as much so their tolerance and toxicity levels can be much lower than in humans.

Take for instance a house cat that weighs 5kg. Now compare that to a petite female that might weigh around 50kg, or 10x as much. And if compared to a western sized westerner clocking in around 75kg, that’s 15x the body mass.

So, the smaller the animal the greater the risk that they could consume a toxic dose.

Also keep in mind the various risks associated with different types of cannabis products. Flower that has not been decarboxylated is far less likely to cause your pet problems than something more bioavailable like edibles which are meant to be digested and will cause more THC to enter the body.

Though veterinarians caution that, consuming a toxic dose is less of a concern than the specifics of the breed. For instance brachycephalic breeds such as pugs, bulldogs, etc may be so intoxicated from the THC that they relax their airways which could be fatal if they vomit, causing vomit to enter the lungs and triggering pneumonia or possibly choking them to death.

Veterinarians also implore pet owners to not lie about your pet consuming cannabis. As embarrassing as it might be, and as guilty as you might feel, not disclosing that your pet has consumed cannabis can lead to both delays in treatment as well as lost time as the veterinarian performs tests in an attempt to narrow down the cause of the pet’s condition.

Thailandโ€™s legalization of cannabis has made the substance more accessible, which, while beneficial for medical and economic reasons, also increases the risk of pets being exposed to cannabis. As a result, veterinarians are urging pet owners to be extra cautious, particularly with cannabis edibles, which can be especially attractive to animals due to their sweet and savory flavors.

In a recent study, the rapid expansion of the cannabis market was highlighted as a factor contributing to the rise in pet-related cannabis incidents. The study suggests that as the cannabis industry grows, the number of pets accidentally ingesting cannabis could increase unless preventive measures are taken.

Veterinarians recommend that pet owners store all cannabis products securely, out of reach of pets, and to be particularly careful with edibles, which often resemble regular food items. In the event that a pet does consume cannabis, it is essential to seek veterinary care immediately.

The Bhumjaithai Party, which has been instrumental in advancing cannabis regulation in Thailand, has also emphasized the importance of public education on the safe use and storage of cannabis products to prevent such incidents. The partyโ€™s ongoing efforts to balance the economic benefits of cannabis with social responsibility include addressing the potential risks to pets and ensuring that the public is well-informed.

Pet owners must remain vigilant. The growing accessibility of cannabis products demands a greater awareness of the potential dangers to pets and the steps that can be taken to ensure their safety.
