The Thai Legislative Process: How Laws are Made

By Thailand THC

thailandTHC > Learn > The Thai Legislative Process: How Laws are Made

The Thai legislative process is an intriguing blend of democratic principles and traditional customs. This article provides a detailed overview of how laws are made in the country, from the conception of an idea to its enactment as law.

Idea Generation and Drafting

The process begins with the conception of an idea. This idea can originate from various sources, such as government bodies, non-governmental organizations, or citizens. Once an idea is formed, it is drafted into a bill.

Review and Amendment

The drafted bill is reviewed and possibly amended by various committees and bodies. This stage involves thorough scrutiny of the bill’s provisions, ensuring they align with the constitution and other existing laws.

Parliamentary Approval

Once reviewed, the bill is presented to the Parliament, which consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. Both chambers must approve the bill. If there are disagreements between the two chambers, a joint committee is formed to reconcile differences.

Royal Assent

Following parliamentary approval, the bill is presented to the Monarch for royal assent. The Monarch’s approval is a ceremonial endorsement, and the bill becomes law once it’s given.

Publication in the Royal Gazette

After the Monarch’s approval, the law is published in the Royal Gazette. This step is crucial as it ensures transparency and informs the public about the new law.

Implementation and Enforcement

After publication, the law comes into effect on a date specified in its text. Government agencies are responsible for implementing and enforcing the law.

Judicial Review

In cases where there’s a dispute over the law’s constitutionality, it’s subject to judicial review by the Constitutional Court. If the court finds the law unconstitutional, it can be invalidated.

Amendment and Repeal

Laws aren’t set in stone and can be amended or repealed. The process for amending or repealing a law follows the same legislative process as creating a new one.


The Thai legislative process in Thailand is a complex journey, ensuring that each law aligns with the nation’s constitution, culture, and needs. Despite its complexities, it’s a crucial part of Thailand’s democratic system, reflecting the country’s commitment to the rule of law.

This outline should provide a comprehensive overview of how laws are made in Thailand. Please let me know if you’d like
