Khon Kaen Cannabis Association Reveals Case Study on Using Cannabis to Treat Drug Addiction

By Thailand THC

thailandTHC > News > Khon Kaen Cannabis Association Reveals Case Study on Using Cannabis to Treat Drug Addiction

The “Khon Kaen Cannabis Association” has shared an intriguing case study on the use of cannabis as a substitute for treating drug addiction. The association posted on their Facebook page about an individual who was addicted to drugs and was treated using cannabis. Over time, the amount of cannabis consumed was gradually reduced until the individual no longer felt the need to smoke it.

On October 2nd, the association’s Facebook page detailed a conversation with a young man from Phu Wiang district. This individual, aged 21, was a regular drug user and exhibited aggressive behavior, especially when he couldn’t get his hands on drugs. He would often lash out at his mother and grandmother.

The association introduced him to cannabis as an alternative. Initially, he was given three cannabis rolls to smoke instead of his usual drugs. On the second day, he was given two rolls, and by the third day, only one. During this period, it was observed that his aggressive behavior subsided, and he began to eat and sleep normally. Previously, drug use had caused him to lose his appetite and sleep.

Currently, this young man has completely overcome his drug addiction and is employed in construction, earning a salary that he shares with his family. He is among a group of approximately 12 individuals who were treated similarly. Today, this group no longer associates with each other and poses no threat to their community.

The Khon Kaen Cannabis Association believes that this approach, using cannabis as a herbal remedy to treat drug addiction, offers a promising alternative to traditional rehabilitation methods. The results show improved mental and physical health, reduced societal concerns, and the reintegration of individuals into society as productive members.

Read the original article on MGR Online
