If Cannabis Returns as an Addictive Drug, How Will It Affect 3.8 Million Medical and Health Users?

By Thailand THC

thailandTHC > News > If Cannabis Returns as an Addictive Drug, How Will It Affect 3.8 Million Medical and Health Users?

In a recent discussion, Panthep Puapongpan addresses the ongoing debate surrounding cannabis in Thailand. Despite governmental changes, the status of cannabis remains a contentious topic. The current stance of the Ministry of Public Health is not to categorize cannabis as an addictive drug. However, the future of cannabis remains uncertain.

Before any decisions are made, it’s essential to consider the broader implications of cannabis, beyond just the negative perceptions. Comparisons with alcohol, cigarettes, and methamphetamine reveal that these substances are more harmful and more prevalent than cannabis. Yet, they are easily accessible in convenience stores.

The article also highlights the potential medical benefits of cannabis, noting that most doctors in Thailand don’t prescribe it. This has led many to seek underground sources for their needs. The article concludes by emphasizing the need for a balanced approach, considering both the potential benefits and risks associated with cannabis.

Source: mgronline.com
