Dr. Chanin: Cannabis Saved Lives When Modern Medicine Couldn’t

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thailandTHC > News > Dr. Chanin: Cannabis Saved Lives When Modern Medicine Couldn’t

Last updated on June 25th, 2024 at 09:14 am

  • Driving The News: Dr. Chanin Liwanant criticizes efforts to reclassify cannabis as a narcotic, emphasizing its benefits in treating terminal illnesses.
  • Why It Matters: Reclassifying cannabis could limit access to effective treatments for patients with severe health conditions.
  • The Big Picture: The debate over cannabis regulation highlights the need to balance its medical benefits against potential risks, ensuring informed policy decisions.

BANGKOK, THAILAND – On June 11, Dr. CHANIN LIWANANT, a physician specializing in rehabilitation medicine at the Medical Cannabis Institute of Bodhiyalai University, voiced strong opposition to efforts to reclassify cannabis as a narcotic. Dr. Chanin shared compelling cases of cancer patients who, after being sent home by conventional doctors as a last resort, turned to cannabis and experienced significant health improvements.

Dr. Chanin highlighted the story of a liver cancer patient who was advised to return home and await death due to the failure of traditional treatments. The patient began using cannabis and managed to extend his life significantly. “Conventional doctors need to explain this rather than merely condemning cannabis. It is clear to anyone that cannabis has significant benefits, especially when used correctly,” he said.

He pointed out that cannabis oil, especially the potent “Uncle Tu Wat Chom Thong” formula, has shown real results. In contrast, less effective, diluted formulas have led to misconceptions about cannabis’s efficacy. “Cannabis is an herb that is easy to use, teach, and learn about. Local healers and even ordinary citizens can produce effective treatments,” Dr. Chanin added.

The successful use of cannabis in hospitals, such as at Chao Phraya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital, has prompted mainstream doctors to enroll in cannabis courses, recognizing its potential as an alternative treatment. Dr. Chanin warned against reversing the progress made in integrating cannabis into medical practice due to biased opinions.

Responding to concerns about the potential harm of cannabis, especially among youth, Dr. Chanin acknowledged that excessive use of any substance could be problematic. However, he argued that proper regulation and education are the solutions. “Everything has two sides. Cars can kill people in accidents, but we don’t ban them. The same logic should apply to cannabis. It has benefits when used correctly,” he asserted.

Dr. Chanin suggested that political motives might be hindering the advancement of cannabis legislation. He called for a focus on public health benefits rather than political gains. “We already have a Cannabis Act. Why aren’t we pushing it forward? Is politics blocking progress?” he questioned.

He also addressed the opposition’s concerns about cannabis affecting brain development in youth. Dr. Chanin emphasized the need for balanced and scientifically informed policies that acknowledge both the benefits and risks of cannabis use.

Contributing Sources: Daily News
