Cannabis Network Threatens to Escalate Protests if Government Rejects Demands

By Thailand THC

thailandTHC > News > Cannabis Network Threatens to Escalate Protests if Government Rejects Demands

Last updated on June 24th, 2024 at 11:04 am

  • Driving The News: The Thai Cannabis Network is poised to escalate protests if the government does not respond favorably to their demands by June 11.
  • Why It Matters: The outcome could significantly impact the future of cannabis regulation in Thailand and the rights of cannabis users and businesses.
  • The Big Picture: The protest emphasizes the demand for science-based cannabis policies and highlights public discontent with current government actions.

BANGKOK, THAILAND – The Thai Cannabis Network, led by PRASIT CHAI NOONWAL and AKKARADET JARKJINDA, has issued a stern ultimatum to the government: accept their demands by 10 AM on June 11, or face an escalation in protests. The network is calling for the government to use scientific evidence to guide cannabis policy and to avoid reclassifying cannabis as a narcotic.

On June 10, representatives of the network submitted their demands to the Deputy Secretary-General of the Prime Minister for Political Affairs, SOMKIT CHEUAKHONG. The letter emphasizes the need for cannabis to be regulated under specific legislation that acknowledges its medical benefits rather than being classified as a narcotic. The network argues that such a move would align cannabis regulation with scientific findings and protect public health while allowing for economic benefits.

The network’s two key demands are:

  1. The government should regulate cannabis using a dedicated Cannabis Act.
  2. If the government is unwilling to pass the Cannabis Act, they should form a joint committee comprising public, academic, and governmental representatives to assess the scientific evidence on cannabis’s effects and decide the appropriate regulatory framework.

PRASIT CHAI stated, “Today, we have submitted our demands and expect the government to respond thoughtfully. If they fail to do so, we will intensify our protests. Our goal is to ensure that cannabis policies are based on scientific evidence, not political agendas.”

The network has threatened to escalate their protest if their demands are not met, with plans to gather again on June 11 at 10 AM. The protest is set to continue until the government agrees to their terms, highlighting the growing tension between cannabis advocates and government authorities.

The network’s stance is that any decision on cannabis regulation should be grounded in comprehensive scientific research, comparing the health and social impacts of cannabis, alcohol, and tobacco. They insist that if cannabis is found to be no more harmful than these substances, it should not be reclassified as a narcotic.

As the deadline approaches, the government faces increasing pressure to address the demands of cannabis advocates, who are determined to ensure that cannabis remains accessible for medical and economic purposes.

Contributing Sources: Hfocus
