Thailand’s New Cannabis Law: Medical Evidence Required for Use

By Thailand THC

thailandTHC > News > Thailand’s New Cannabis Law: Medical Evidence Required for Use

  • Why It Matters: Thailand’s new cannabis legislation emphasizes medical and health-related use, with strict regulations to prevent recreational misuse.
  • Driving The News: Health Minister Cholnan Srikaew outlines the new cannabis bill’s focus on medical use, requiring medical evidence for health-related consumption.
  • Zoom In: The new bill differs significantly from previous drafts, with stricter controls on cultivation and usage, aiming to prevent underground cultivation.
  • What To Watch: Public opinion and feedback on the new cannabis bill are being solicited until January 23.

BANGKOK, THAILAND – Thailand’s approach to cannabis, long seen as a controversial substance, is undergoing a significant transformation. Health Minister Cholnan Srikaew recently shed light on the new cannabis bill, which pivots sharply towards medical and health-related use. This move comes amidst a broader global trend of re-evaluating the role of cannabis in society.

According to Minister Srikaew, the new legislation is a departure from the drafts proposed by the Bhumjaithai Party. It mandates that any health-related use of cannabis must be backed by medical evidence, a move to curb recreational use masquerading as self-medication. This requirement is a clear nod to the growing body of research underscoring the therapeutic benefits of cannabis, particularly its cannabinoids like THC and CBD.

The bill also addresses the cultivation of cannabis. Unlike the previous drafts, which allowed for personal cultivation, the new bill requires explicit permission for growing cannabis. This change aims to prevent a surge in underground cultivation, ensuring that cannabis growth and use remain within the legal and safe confines.

Public feedback is being actively sought until January 23. This consultation period is crucial, as it allows for a diverse range of opinions and concerns to be considered, ensuring that the final law is balanced and reflective of the public’s needs.

The recent shift in Thailand’s cannabis policy, focusing on medical applications, aligns with a global trend that acknowledges its health benefits. However, this shift raises concerns about the necessity of solid medical evidence to support health-related cannabis use. As Thailand navigates this legislative change, observing its impact on both the medical community and public perception of cannabis will be crucial, especially in the context of these evidence-based requirements.

Read the original article on Matichon, Isranews, and The Bangkok Insight on LINE Today
