Massive Marijuana Seizure in Manila: Shipment from Thailand Intercepted

By Thailand THC

thailandTHC > News > Massive Marijuana Seizure in Manila: Shipment from Thailand Intercepted

Last updated on August 22nd, 2024 at 05:57 am

โ€ข Driving The News: Philippine Customs intercepted a shipment from Thailand containing P38.8 million worth of dried marijuana at the Manila International Container Port.

โ€ข Why It Matters: This seizure underscores ongoing efforts to curb drug smuggling, raising concerns about illegal cannabis trade routes in Southeast Asia.

โ€ข What To Watch: Further investigations by Philippine authorities could reveal broader networks involved in the international cannabis trade.

MANILA, PHILIPPINESโ€”Philippine Customs officials recently intercepted a massive shipment of dried marijuana worth P38.8 million from Thailand at the Manila International Container Port. The shipment, disguised as everyday goods such as tableware and shoes, was flagged for inspection following intelligence reports. Inside, authorities discovered 99 packages of marijuana concealed within three large boxes.

The successful seizure highlights the ongoing battle against drug smuggling in Southeast Asia. Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service (CIIS) Director VERNE ENCISO, who led the operation, emphasized the importance of vigilance in preventing illegal drugs from entering the country. Further inspections and investigations are underway to uncover potential connections to broader smuggling networks.

Contributing Sources: Daily Tribune
